Class 6RD (2017-18)
Welcome to 6RD!
Thank you for visiting 6RD's class page!
We are all very excited about the new school year, especially as we are now at the 'top of the school'.
Please enjoy our class page and we hope that you enjoy looking through our photographs from the many activities that we have already experienced at St Walburga's and what we will experience this year in 6RD with Miss Dare and Mrs Cousins.
Please feel free to come and visit the classroom to see what the 6RD team are getting up to!
Class Information
HOME LEARNING:Goes out on a Thursday and must be returned by the following Tuesday. You can bring it in earlier if you like but the deadline is Tuesday. Please put your home learning in the correct boxes in the corridor.
HOME LEARNING CLUBS: To encourage you to complete your home learning to the best of your ability we give up our time to put on 3 clubs each week. As soon as you have brought in both your maths and literacy home learning books then you can sign up on the windows. The earlier you return your books, the more chance that you have of choosing your preferred club.
HOME READERS: These also go out on a Thursday and are due in by the following Thursday. You need to read a minimum of 30 minutes and get this recorded and signed by an adult each week. Once you have returned your home reader in the correct box, Mrs Cousins will sign them off and add a sticker to your 'Game Chart' where you will gain rewards at the end of each term. The more you read, the more reward you will gain!

Gymnastics Routines

Spring Treat Day

Sponsored Stand for 'Shine Together' appeal

World Book Day 2018

To improve the impact spellings home learning has on your child’s reading and writing, we are introducing a new way of getting to know the words that the children in Year 5 and 6 are expected to know.
For each word in the weekly list, children need to
- Write the word (and the type of word it is e.g. noun)
- Write the definition of the word. This can be looked up in a dictionary but the children should write the definition in their own words.
- Write a sentence that includes the spelling word.
Some words might have more than one (relevant) meaning or belong to more than one word type (e.g. plant can be a noun or verb). In these cases, the children need to write out the definitions and examples sentences of all the different ways the word can be used.
In their spelling test at school, your child will be asked to write out the spelling OR the definition OR an example sentence.
Example Layout
- recommend (verb)
Definition: put forward a suggestion to fit a suitable task.
Example: I asked my Dad to recommend a good book for me to read.
IMPORTANT Words from the same word family (e.g. recommended, recommending) are acceptable to use in the example sentences as long as they are spelled correctly and real words!
Online Safety Talk

A lucky few of us had a tour of the Vitality Stadium and played against each other...

Our App Presentations - Would you want one of these apps on your phone or tablet?
Super 6 Speech
The photo shows a great example to help you with your dialogue (speech). Super 6 is a method of counting to check whether we have enough punctuation. Sometimes the comma can change to a question mark or an exclamation mark depending on the spoken language. Also, we may have a super 7 or 8 depending on what you include but if you remember SUPER 6 as the basics then you will have done it correctly!
The example below this shows more advanced punctuation where there is a lot more information. You can start using this as well to make your writing even better! HOPE THIS HELPS.
Welcome to 5S!
In maths we made gingerbread Jacks as part of our fairy tale fortnight. We revisited units of measure and learn't how to read scales.
Sowing the Seed
For Sowing the Seed we decided to raise money for Hope for Food.
Greek Plays
We had lots of fun sharing our Greek Plays with our prayer buddies. We worked hard to learn our lines and make our own props. Our teachers were very proud of us!