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Year One - History Topic - 'Granma's Toys'

As part of our History learning, we have been investigating older toys from the East Dorset Museum and comparing them to toys today.  We also made a 'Cup and Ball' toy when learning that gender doesn't matter anymore when choosing toys to play with!  

Year 6 have enjoyed their start to the academic year. They have produced some brilliant pieces of writing, using a range of skills and have even had their football lessons led by AFC Bournemouth! We are really impressed with how they have all settled into Year 6 and their attitude to learning. 

Learning in Year 6

Year 5 Residential

Year 5 were blessed with glorious sunshine for our residential to the Ancient Technology Centre in Cranborne. As part of our current history unit, we have been learning about the daily life of Anglo Saxons and this was the perfect opportunity to make history come alive. After entering the impressive longhouse for the first time, the day began with the vital task of preparing food for our lunch and dinner. This included making butter, grinding wheat using giant quern stones, chopping vegetables and preparing the chicken. Outside, children sawed and split branches to create kindling for the fire and dug in the quarry to make bricks ( a fun but very messy job!). The children soon discovered that the daily life of an Anglo Saxon was very tiring and we enjoyed reading the next part of Beowulf as they settled down to sleep in the longhouse. It was an unforgettable experience!

Year 3 Autumn 1

Year 3 have had a lovely start to the year. We have been learning so many new things since we began the year. Here are a few pictures of some of the activities we have enjoyed. 

Science- learning about rocks and soils.

French- learning how to say basic greetings and count in French.

Music- we began our recorder lessons which we all thoroughly enjoyed. 

Computing- learning about digital devices and how they work. 

The children in Year 2 enjoyed the sunny weather today as they worked on their shading and sketching skills in Art. It was lovely to see the children focused and trying their best.

Key Stage One Sport Afternoons!

We had lots of fun taking part in different throwing, jumping, balancing and running activities during our Sport's Afternoon sessions!

Year 5 Trip to the Mary Rose Museum

Year 5 had a wonderful  trip to the Mary Rose Museum in Portsmouth to enhance our learning as part of our Tudors topic. Viewing  the ship and the artefacts that were found with it was absolutely breath-taking.  We especially loved experiencing the raising of the Mary Rose in a special 4D cinema presentation. We plotted the course of the French and English fleets at The Battle of the Solent and rehearsing a cannon drill in teams. 

Year One trip to Portchester Castle


We had a wonderful, sunny day visiting Portchester Castle to review our Spring History learning about 'Castles' and life inside a castle.  We climbed to the top of the castle to view how soldiers would spot enemies miles away; we acted out being Kings, Queens and servants and practised using medieval weapons!  It was lots of fun!

Year 3 Visit Pizza Express and Became Pizza Chefs for the Morning!

Year 4 Roman Shields

This half term, Year 4 have been busy researching, designing and making their Roman shields.  They made prototypes of their  handles to learn how to make them secure.  When the shields were completed, the children then evaluated them by carrying out various tests to check how secure the straps were.  The children have also been learning about the Roman army and today they put their shields into action creating some of the formations that the Romans used. 

Year 6 Go Ape

Year 1 DT - Making a fruit salad or kebab.

During Summer 1, as part of our DT learning, we have looked at healthy foods, where different foods come from and our likes and dislikes.  Then we designed, made, tasted and evaluated a healthy fruit snack!  We also learnt about the importance of food hygiene and safety using kitchen utensils.  

Year Five Trip to the Kingfisher Barn


We had a fabulous morning at the Kingfisher Barn in Throop this week learning from the rangers about the wildlife that is found alongside the river banks. Some of us were even lucky enough to spot a kingfisher!


We also went on a river walk looking at how the width and flow of the water changes in different places and we were able to apply our learning about river features to answer questions. The rangers were very impressed that the children knew what confluences and tributaries were. The favourite activity was undoubtedly the pond dipping where we were able to find and identify some of the creatures that would be found in this location. 

Year 2 Trip to Beaulieu 

Year 2 had a great day out at Beaulieu Motor Museum!

We had a tour around the museum itself, then had time to ride on the monorail, look at some cars that had appeared in TV and film, and play in the 'Mini Beaulieu' park.

Spring Treat Day


The children really enjoyed Spring Treat Day. We learnt about what changes in Spring allow plants to grow and animals to come out of hibernation. Our Year 6 prayer buddies helped the children decorate their bonnets for our wonderful bonnet parade. We also had a special visit from the Easter Bunny!

Careers Week- Play Street with Year 3. 

Year 3 were lucky to have time in the hall with Play Street role play. They really enjoyed trying out the different career choices in this session. It definitely got the children thinking about the jobs that are available to them.  

Year 5 Learning


In Year 5 we have loved looking at the Anglo-Saxon treasures found at Sutton Hoo. We have tried to recreate some of the intricate patterns found in their metal work as we created our own Anglo-Saxon brooches out of clay. 


We are currently reading the Anglo-Saxon story of Beowulf and have enjoyed creating our own kennings (a compound phrase with a metaphorical meaning) similar to the ones used in the book. 

In the story, 'sky- candle' means the sun and 'light-of -battle'  is a sword. I wonder if you can work out the meaning of some of the kennings in the photos below. 


In PE, we have been learning to play table tennis and curling. It has been good to see some tactical play in curling, using guard stones to block the other team and in table tennis, we have been learning to use the forehand and backhand drive  and the correct scoring system. 



We have been really busy over the last few weeks.

These pictures show some of the activities that we have been participating in including:

A visit from Tobias Elwood

An exploration of the air around our area


Shape in maths

Tie dye in art

Tag Rugby

Year 1 Outdoor Leaning Taster Session

Year 1 had great fun exploring the outdoor forest school area. They made mud with differing consistencies, made dens with branches and dug holes in the mud using different tools.

Year 1 Outdoor Learning Taster Session

Year 1 - Happily Ever After day

To celebrate our History topic on 'Castles' we dressed up as Princes, Princesses, Knights, Dragons and fairy tale characters, baked Medieval Fine Cakes, learned a Medieval dance, made some ‘Happily Ever After’ arts ‘n’ crafts and made our own junk model castle for the flag we had made as part of our DT topic. 

Year 1 - Happily Ever After day

Year 2 - Great Fire of London Day

We had a brilliant day learning about the Great Fire of London. We got to dress up in 1666 clothes, made Tudor houses out of cardboard, and enjoyed a drama workshop with a local drama group where we got to act out different parts of the story.


We all had the opportunity to visit our outdoor learning area for a taster session. Below are a selection of photos of us taking part in tree identification using swatches and looking at leaves; playing in the mud zone; attempting to build some waterproof dens; and exploring the muddy digging area! 

We all had great fun being part of nature, playing with our friends and learning some key skills a long the way! 


Dinosaur week in Reception!


Reception have had a really fun week learning about dinosaurs! We started by reading the fantastic story 'The Girl and the Dinosaur' by Hollie Hughes and Sarah Massini. We did some imaginative drawing and writing about what we would like to see if we went on an adventure with a dinosaur!

We have also made our own salt dough fossilised bones, found out about Mary Anning, made a volcano, used our phonics to make dinosaur posters, practised scissor skills by cutting and arranging bones to create a dinosaur skeleton and explored the names and features of different dinosaurs.

What a roarsome week!

Year 3 Taster Session in Outside Learning Space. 


The children had a great time exploring and learning how to work collaboratively. 

Year 6 Remembrance Service

Happy and Healthy Me week - Year 1

During our Life Education session:

  • We learnt about healthy foods and what nutrients they provide for our bodies.
  • We talked about the importance of sleep and looking after our bodies.
  • We also thought about friendships and how to help one another.

During the ‘Happy and Healthy Me’ week we:

  • had relaxation sessions including ‘Mindful Colouring’ and reflective music.
  • talked about the ‘Worry Monster’ areas in the classroom where children are able to ‘check-in’ with their feelings/emotions or relax.

Stewardship - Year 1


As part of our stewardship, we decided to plant some new bulbs and bedding plants in the KS1 Playground garden boxes, so that insects can come and visit the flowers! We wanted to show our care and respect for God’s Creation! 

Borrow the Moon

Between 1969 and 1972, six manned Apollo missions landed on the Moon and the astronauts collected samples to bring back to Earth to study. Most of the samples were used for scientific research and some have been preserved for educational use by NASA. We have been so excited to have secured the Borrow the Moon resource to use in school this week. It is a scheme set up by the Science and Technology Facilities Council which contains some of these lunar samples as well as meteorites and other interesting rocks. 

Every child in school from Reception up to Year 6 had the chance to experience this amazing resource this week.  Using Meteorite Hunters' kits, the children used hand lenses and magnaprobes to decide if the samples they were looking at were Earth or Space rocks and the older children used their classification skills to name some of the meteorites. The children were so excited to pick up and  handle 

the samples. A favourite was the Campo de Cielo iron meteorite which fell to Earth 4000 years ago but which scientists believe is actually 4.5 billion years old!  

It has been a thrilling week; the staff were as excited as the children and I hope you enjoy looking through some of the photos of our experience.

Year 4 have been enjoying creating ancient Egyptian canopic jars out of clay.  First, they researched about the purpose of the jars and chose one of the gods to use as part of their design.   Then the fun of making them began!  The children learnt how to use tools and techniques to manipulate the clay.  Once the clay was dry, they added detail using paint. 

Year 5 Trip to the Mary Rose

Year 5 had a fantastic trip to the Mary Rose Museum in Portsmouth to enhance our learning as part of our Tudors topic. Viewing  the warship and the many artefacts that were found within it was breath-taking. Another highlight was being able to experience the raising of the Mary Rose in a special 4D cinema presentation and even seeing one of the divers who took part in the original project. Year 5 enjoyed plotting the course of the French and English fleets at The Battle of the Solent and rehearsing a cannon drill in teams. 

Celebrating St Walburga's Feast Day

2CR's Pirate Day

To finish our pirate topic we had a pirate day! We dressed up, sang sea shanties, tried some 'grog' and had a pirate adventure in the hall.

Year 1 DT Project

For our DT project in Summer 1, we had to firstly investigate and discuss where food actually comes from!  Then we decided which fruits we liked the best.  Then we designed, made and evaluated either a Fruit Salad or Fruit Kebab.  

We had a wonderful time on our school trip to the Tank Museum.  It was a great opportunity to learn all about the home front and the activities that people did to contribute towards the war effort in WW2, such as rationing, the home guards and the air raid wardens.  We also had a chance to have a look around the museum at the tanks and the interactive displays.  There was so much to see and do!  

Easter Garden Home Learning

Well done to all children for their incredible Easter gardens!
We had so many creative gardens which were made using a variety of materials, such as lego, natural resources and even cakes!

Thank you for all of your hard work!

Reception Drawing Club


Reception have started on a fantastic new adventure called 'Drawing Club.' This has been designed to open up the magic world of tales and story to children whilst at the same time enriching their language and developing their fine motor skills.

We have already seen an increase in the use of interesting vocabulary (introduced as part of Drawing Club) e.g. 'look at my colossal tower!' as well as confidence drawing and writing independently and some wonderfully imaginative ideas!

The children start each session by saying and acting out new vocabulary, we then share a story together and model a drawing and some writing based on that story. The children then come to the 'club' and share their ideas, imagination and drawings. We are loving exploring the joy of stories!



SOWING THE SEED SALE! What an incredible and successful afternoon, thank you to all who attended and to the children and adults who made it possible. Raising money for fantastic charities.

DREAM JOBS DAY 2023! What an incredible day. Firefighters, police officers and more!

Year 2 - Great Fire of London Topic

Over the last few weeks we have been learning about the Great Fire of London. We really enjoyed making model towns to explore what London in 1666 would have looked like. On our Great Fire of London Day, we were visited by Samuel Pepys and his maid, Jane. They put on a play for us as well as giving us the chance to join in with some drama. We loved it! We also made bread rolls in the afternoon, just like Thomas Farriner the baker would have done - although thankfully we did not cause a fire!

Spring Term in Year 1!


We have been learning about medieval life in a castle and made fabric flags for our own junk model castle in DT!  We also made pancakes to support our Literacy learning on Mr. Wolf's Pancakes. We have learnt about subtracting within 20, as well as enjoying our Cultural Day and World Book Day!  


Year 4 celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as their favourite book character. It was a fun day and as part of the day, they had the opportunity to share a book with their prayer buddy.

Year 6 DT project and Electricity Unit

Celebrating Chinese New Year

Year 5 and Reception used their collaborative skills as they celebrated Chinese New Year together. Their activities included learning a Chinese dragon dance, creating mosaic lanterns, singing a Chinese New Year song, learning some simple Mandarin phrases and numbers and very importantly, tasting some delicious food! 

Year 2 Christmas Decorations

Year 2 enjoyed designing and sewing their Christmas decorations. They worked hard to sew neatly and did a brilliant job of decorating their material with different accessories. 

Year 5 Tote Bag Design Technology Project


Year 5 felt like a scene from the Great British Sewing Bee recently as we have been very busy designing and making these fabulous tote bags. We developed our skills using sewing machines and loved decorating them using our designs. 

'Healthy Me' week - 1st November 2022


This week, Reception have been thinking about how they can keep themselves healthy. They have tried a variety of fruit and thought about interesting adjectives they can use to describe them. They were very excited to have a visit from SCARF Life Education where they learnt about the different organs of the body and the important jobs they do. They also learnt about how vital it is to drink enough water, get enough sleep and do physical exercise. 

In the classroom, the children have been pretending to be doctors and dentists in the role play, completing observational drawing of fruit, listening to stories about fruit and vegetables, looking at information books and writing healthy shopping lists. 

Year 6 Learning in the Autumn Term

Year 5 Earth and Space Topic

In the Science lessons as part of our Earth and Space topic, Year 5 enjoyed creating

scale models showing how far the planets are from the sun outside on the playground. There was some tricky maths involved as each footstep taken represented 20,000 km.  They carried out shadow investigations to prove the changing position of the Earth in relation to the Sun. In Art, the children developed their shading techniques to create a 3D effect in pastel planet pictures.

Our first half term in Year 3! 3MB & 3BM have been busy - including Maths, Topic, Reading, RE, PE and Art...

Year 4 DT Making Our Roman Shields

In Design Technology, we have been researching the design elements of a Roman shield.  The children used the information to develop their own design criteria to ensure that their designs resembled a shield from The Ancient Romans.  This week, we have started making our designs focusing on measuring, cutting and painting on a Roman inspired design.  We can't wait to see the final results!  

Year 4 DT Roman Shields

Creation Home Learning 2022

This week, each class completed their Creation home learning task. Each year group was assigned a particular day of the creation story and were tasked with designing a creative piece of art to demonstrate their specific day of creation. A huge well done to all of the children for their incredible hard work, we had lots of amazing designs!

Creation Home Learning 2022
