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St Walburga's Catholic Primary School


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Class 2SM

  Welcome to 2SM

Welcome to 2SM's home page.  We hope you enjoy looking at what we have been learning in school.  Mrs Murphy is our class teacher,

Mrs Gibson is our class teaching assistant on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mrs Grisdale  is our class teaching assistant on Thursday and Friday                                                                                                                         Some useful information:                                                             Reading books will be changed on a Tuesday and a Friday (alternating between a 'school reading book' and a story from the library to share).


Homework is given out on a Friday and is due back to school on a Wednesday.

  • We have a spelling test on Wednesdays.

    PE is on a Tuesday and Thursday.

    Thank you for your on going help.  If you have any questions please feel free to come and see us

                World Book Day

Kwik Cricket

We had lots of fun today learning about cricket with our coach.  


Mrs Gibson showed us lots of Ammonites that she found.

Sewing Penguin Puppets

We started making our penguin puppets.  Thank you to all the adults who helped us. 

Peter Pan

We had an amazing time watching the pantomime.



Walking Water

To investigate colour mixing through capillary action.

Does the colour of ice affect the rate that it melts?


We put some milk on a plate with different drops of food colouring. Next we added some washing up liquid to the centre of the plate.

Light Entertainment

We put red cellophane over one torch and green cellophane over another torch.  We then shone both torches in the same point on a white wall and noticed that the spot was yellow.

We added water to skittles to see what would happen.

Peter Pan

We have been reading the story of Peter Pan.  We have described our favourite characters,  written newspaper articles, learnt how to sketch Peter Pan and used the Beebots to help us travel around Neverland.


We had a fantastic time during our drama workshop.  We pretended that we were at the circus and showed all our different skills.

Road Safety

We had a talk about road safety and thought about how we can be safe when crossing the road.  


We designed a new London after it was burnt down in the great fire in 1666.
We used different media to create a fire picture.  
A firefighter came to visit our school.  He taught us how to be safe and what we should do when there is a fire.  We had lots of fun dressing up as firefighters, doing a wake and shake, reading and acting out a fire safety story and learning about how to keep ourselves safe in the event of a fire.

Great Fire of London Day

We have had such a fun day.  We worked as a class to answer questions for a quiz about The Great Fire of London, we cracked a code, wrote a description as if we were where there at the fire, made bread and had a fantastic time acting out what happened during the Great Fire.

Welcome to 1AS!


We hope you will enjoy looking through all three things we get up to on our learning journey through Year 1.  Mrs Salazar is our class teacher and Mrs Mortimer is our Teaching assistant. Mrs Jones teaches us on a Wednesday, afternoon and Mrs Belsham teaches us on a Thursday morning.


Practical information

  • Reading books are changed on a Tuesday and Friday  (alternating between a school reading scheme book and a story from the library to share chosen by your child). 
  • We are working hard to promote independence.  It is your child's responsibility to take their homework and reading book out of their book bag.  If it comes home again, when you have sent it to school please give them a gentle reminder.
  • Homework is given out on a Friday and is due back to school on a Wednesday please.
  • We have a spelling test on Thursdays. This is usually based on a spelling investigation of the sounds we are learning in class.
  • PE is on Tuesdays (outdoors) and Thursdays (indoors). When the weather gets colder you might wish your child to wear a warm tracksuit (navy blue please).


We are really looking forward to working with you and your children, and thank you in advance for your support at home.   Please remember that our doors are always open - do come and ask if you are unsure of anything.



Tuesday 24th July:   Last day of school for children☀️






Although we didn't manage to get to the park this morning, we had lots of fun with our friends in 1PB.  We played lots of playground games and had fun with the parachute. 

Wessex Water


Megan from Wessex Water came to visit us today. She told us all about the water cycle and where our water comes from. She showed us some very dirty water and explained how it gets treated so that we get lovely clean water at home.  We also thought about how important it is to use water wisely, especially in this hot weather. Did you know that we all use over 100 litres of water each every day?!

Wimbledon here we come!


We are having fun learning new tennis skills in this lovely weather. We are also learning tennis vocabulary e.g. Court, racket and umpire....... just in time for Wimbledon.

Help our oceans!


When we arrived at school this morning we couldn't get into our classroom, it was all taped up! When we had a look we could see lots and lots of rubbish in a fishing net.  We talked about how it could have got there and then we sorted it into recycling boxes - look at the plastic box, it's full! We have written about how unhealthy it is for the poor sea creatures who live in the sea, and we are going to think about what we can do to help. 


The Sea Life Centre, Weymouth

Monday 18 June 2018

We had a fantastic day at the Sea Life Centre today, despite the rather long journey.  The children were so enthusiastic about all the weird and wonderful sea creatures we saw, and we learnt a lot of strange facts.... did you know that starfish don't have brains?  Thank you to Katie's, Risko's and Stanley's mums for kindly giving up their time to help us today.



We had an amazing time at the Activate Trampolining Park this afternoon! There were so many different types of trampoline to bounce on and we certainly used up a tremendous amount of energy.  It was really good fun, and the perfect end to a fantastic Sports Week.  A big thank you to all the parents who helped us on this trip.



We compared the works of Matisse with Kandinsky, who painted bold bright pictures with lots of colour and different shapes. We painted our own 'concentric circles' on our butterfly wings, trying to make them bright and also symmetrical.  


As part of Sports Week we enjoyed a lovely, relaxing yoga session. We practised stretching, bending and balancing.  This is really good for our strength and concentration, especially the relaxation at the end. (Mrs Salazar isn't very bendy!!!)



We had a really fantastic Sports Day today!  The weather was really kind to us, with lots of lovely sunshine. We had great fun doing the activities as you can see from the pictures.  The races were great fun, too, and all the children showed great sportsmanship in the way they took part.  Our Prayer Buddies joined on the field for a picnic lunch. the Sports Leaders from Years 5 & 6 were fantastic and helped us with the activities.  A big thank you to all the parents who helped us walk to and from the field, and to Mr Richardson and Mr Yarrow who organised it so well,. 


23rd May 2018

We have just posted off our entries for the Little Riddlers writing competition.  We had to write riddles with at least 6 clues and a tricky title.  Our riddles were about the minibeasts we've been learning about.  We'll let you know if we do well!!

The Grand Opening!

18 May 2018


Thank you to our 'royal' guests, Mrs & Miss Prince, who officially opened our minibeast hotels!  We hope our guests from Reception enjoyed our little Royal Garden Party - thank you for coming, it was lovely to see you!  

Minibeast Hotel

May 2018

We had a look around for a good spot to build our minibeast hotel.  We used wood pallets, bricks, stones, dried grass and blossom, cardboard rolls and pine cones.   We hope the minibeasts will like it!


We learnt about how Matisse started making pictures with paper cut-outs when he became too poorly to paint.  We looked at his 'Snail' picture and have made our own using brightly coloured paper.  Some of us drew our own spirals.


Helping Mrs Prince


Mrs Prince has asked us to help her by making some homes for all the minibeasts in our outdoor area. We started by having a good look around outside the classrooms and also in the Junior Nature area.  We found some excellent bug hotels and lots of things that we could use to make our own, such as leaves, fir cones, sticks and twigs and big pieces of wood.  We have written a list of things we need to do and have  started to think about designs for our bug habitats. We have also

started planting flowers for the butterflies and bees.  We have set up a 'Bug Lab' in the classroom, too, to investigate any minibeasts we find.



We had a lovely afternoon with our Prayer Buddies from Y4, writing  own prayers ready to visit different prayer stations in the hall.  It was a very quiet, prayerful experience and a lovely way to start our Easter holidays.

Space Picnic

We finished off our Space topic by having a space picnic with intergalactic jelly and REAL astronaut chocolate chip ice-cream!  We wanted to see which jelly would dissolve first, the powdered jelly or the cubed jelly.  We predicted that the powdered jelly would dissolve first - do you think we were right? The astronaut ice-cream had a strange texture but still very tasty!


21 March 2018

We had a lovely day today and the weather was really kind to us - it almost felt like Spring!!

Thank you to the lovely PSA ladies who helped us with our Easter egg trail and other fun activities. And a big thank you to the Easter bunny, who just happened to come and see us while we were reading 'The Bunny who found Easter' - good timing! Thank you for our chocolate lollies, Easter Bunny!  We had a lovely time in the afternoon, too, making little spring chicks with our Prayer Buddies.

Book Fair


We really enjoyed looking at all the books from the Book Fair this afternoon.  There was lots to choose from, including books about football and unicorns. 

NASA Astronaut training day - our Lenten challenge

15th March 2018

We had such a lot of fun doing our NASA Astronaut training activities for our Shine Together appeal.  We did lots of physical training, like skipping, running, sit-ups and crawling, as well as balance challenges (throwing and catching a ball while standing on one leg), and we did some jigsaw puzzles with gloves on to train our fine motor skills.  It was exhausting,  but we didn't give up!  Thank  you so much for your generous sponsorship in aid of our school Lenten challenge, the Shine Together appeal.  Please keep the money coming in!

World Book day


Goodness!  World Book Day AND snow, how exciting!  We've had a lovely day reading lots of books and doing book reviews with our Y4 Prayer Buddies.  We also swapped books with friends in our class.

11th January 2018

A giant calculator has appeared in our classroom.  We think it must belong to the Giant from Jack and the beanstalk....?   We're using it to help us practise our mental maths, especially our subtraction sums.   



Many thanks for your very kind gifts and words, we really appreciate your thoughtfulness.  We wish you all a very merry, peaceful Christmas with your families, and all good wishes for a very happy and healthy New Year!  Mrs Salazar, Mrs Mortimer and Mrs Jones.

14th December.......Now look what he's done!  Poor Wendy!



Bob's getting ready to party!  And good fun was had by all with 'Krazy Kev'....Dixie got the giggles!

What's he done now?


Poor Bob!  After getting a yellow card last week for stealing the popcorn, it looks as though Bob wants to try a bit harder this week....He's been watching us write and he's had a go himself - look like he needs a bit of help!  We'll be practising our letter shapes this week and hopefully that will give him a better idea.

Something strange is going on....!


For the last few days we have been noticing that things are not quite right... our timetable pictures were turned upside down, all the dinosaur number cards were all over the floor, and all our phonics slides had a picture of an elf hiding in them!   Then we noticed poor Wendy had been wrapped up in toilet paper, and a trail of popcorn had been left on the table!!  The culprit?  It's BOB!  Unfortunately, he's not very good at covering his tracks, as you can see in the photos!


5th and 6th December

We had great fun learning lots of fantastic songs for our Year 1 Christmas production.  It's called Baubles and tells the story of Christmas through the eyes of a little boy who notices that beautiful baubles keep appearing on the undecorated school tree.  It turns out that Mr Potts, the school caretaker, has been working really hard to make the baubles so that the children could learn all about the real story of Christmas.  We are really proud of how the children learnt their lines (some of them with amazing comic timing!) and hope that all the parents enjoyed it. 


As part of our Winter Wonderland topic, we thought about how important it is to have a good nutritious breakfast, especially when the weather is cold.  It gives us good energy and helps us concentrate while we are learning.  It also helps to keep us warm, especially a lovely bowl of porridge!  We had to think of our own porridge topping, and then we all enjoyed breakfast together in the classroom.  The toppings were delicious (banana, honey, blueberries and cinnamon, strawberries and raspberries, and even pomegranates!).  

Road Safety

Friday 13th October

Today Karen from the Road Safety Team came to talk to us about how important it is to be safe when we are crossing the road.  She showed us a really interesting film and taught us a little rhyme to help us remember what we should do when we cross.  Of course it is particularly important at this time of year when it gets dark earlier.  We were really proud of the children when Karen complimented them on their super listening and sensible questions - well done 1AS and 1PB!   And a big thank you to Karen, too!