Welcome to 4PM
Class Teacher: Mrs. Mason
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Conway and Mrs. Crispim
Outdoor on Monday.
Indoor on Thursday.
Please ensure PE kits and trainers are worn to school on these days. Also, please ensure children do not wear jewellery on these days.
Home Learning
Year 4 home learning will be set on Friday, and must be completed and handed in by the following Wednesday. A paper copy of the tasks will be sent home but will also be available to view on TEAMS.
Reading Records are to be completed and signed three times a week. The children should bring their Reading Records into the classroom on Wednesday morning to be checked and returned.
TImes Tables
Times tables will be set on Times Tables Rock Stars and the children will be assessed on them every Tuesday.
Spellings will be taught on Fridays and assessed on the following Friday..
Many thanks for your support.
The 4PM Team