Class 6DY (2017-18)
Welcome to 6DY!
Welcome to 6DY. Above is a picture of our fantastic class in the first week of Autumn 2017! We are taught by Mr Yarrow and Mr Yarrow gets help from Mrs Hepplewhite. Mr Watkins also teaches in our class on Fridays. We have fun but at the same time know that we must work hard all the time to achieve our goals. Enjoy our class page as it will get filled up throughout the year!
HOME LEARNING: Goes out on a Thursday and must be returned by the following Tuesday. You can bring it in earlier if you like but the deadline is Tuesday. Please put your COMPLETED home learning in the correct green boxes in the corridor! They are labelled! Home Learning would usually consist of maths, literacy and spellings. The WEEKLY HOME LEARNING sheet will be stuck in the maths book if you forget what you are supposed to do. There is also a HELPFUL HINTS sheet stuck in the front of the literacy book and this is how we would expect the spellings to be set out.
HOME LEARNING CLUBS: To encourage you to complete your home learning to the best of your ability, we give up our time to put on 3 clubs each week. As soon as you have brought in both your maths and literacy home learning books then you can sign up on the windows. The earlier you return your completed books, the more chance that you have of choosing your preferred club. Clubs will vary throughout each term but look out for computing, tiddlywinks, playing cards, subbuteo, crab football, table tennis, art club and more!
HOME READERS: These also go out on a Thursday and are due in by the following Thursday. You need to read a minimum of 30 minutes and get this recorded and signed by an adult each week. We would much prefer SHORTER AND MORE OFTEN (e.g 3 x 10 mins) rather than one longer read. There are loads of useful GPS in the middle of our new home readers this year. Once you have returned your COMPLETED home reader in the correct box, Mrs Hepplewhite will sign them off and add a sticker to your 'Minions Game Chart' where you will gain rewards at the end of each half term. The more you read, the more reward you will gain! Children in year 6 are expected to complete the home readers as fully as they can, parents can then just glance over and sign once completed.
The photo shows a great example to help you with your dialogue (speech). Super 6 is a method of counting to check whether we have enough punctuation. Sometimes the comma can change to a question mark or an exclamation mark depending on the spoken language. Also, we may have a super 7 or 8 depending on what you include but if you remember SUPER 6 as the basics then you will have done it correctly!
The example below this shows more advanced punctuation where there is a lot more information. You can start using this as well to make your writing even better! HOPE THIS HELPS.

Thank you to all of year 6 for a lovely showcase. We were impressed with the independence that was shown and also for the effort that was put into the dances, poems, readings and acting. It was a great way to remember those who have suffered in previous wars and it was also a lovely to see all the poems written in an anthology to keep.
The children created poppies using clay inspired by the poppies around the Tower of London. They used the sculpture technique to create the petals and shapes and then painted them in red. These were used during our Remembrance Showcase.
MONDAY 27th November 2017.
In dance, we were following a professional dancer (Zumba teacher) and we were concentrating on following the routine and using strong movements. Below is a short clip of one of our songs.

XMAS PARTY DAY - Wednesday 13th December
We started off the day with a collective worship thinking about those who may not be as lucky as us and we reminded ourselves of this before we started the festivities. At 9.00 am we went to visit our reception prayer buddies in RL and played pass the parcel. The inner circle was reception and the outer circle was year 6. Some children were lucky enough to win green cards and some were lucky enough to wind vouchers! Following this we did some Christmas colouring with our prayer buddy. After break we learned how to sew a Christmas decoration. This was tricky and we had to concentrate but hopefully all the children created something which vaguely represented a decoration! We had a lovely lunch together in the hall; some ate a roast and some a packed lunch, but it was nice to be together. After some fresh air we continued with our stitching and watched 'The Nativity' whilst eating some popcorn and sweets that we bought with our contributions. Thank you to Abi, Cameron and Maddie for making Mr Yarrow wear the Santa and reindeer costume! It was amazing and the younger children certainly enjoyed it!
AFC Bournemouth opportunity - SATURDAY 13TH JANUARY 2018
Ten children from year 6 were selected (at random) to take part in a session at the Vitality stadium. We started with a stadium tour and the photos below show some of the places that we were allowed to look at! Following this, we went and played some 5-a-side matches on the astro turf pitches next to the stadium.
Our new design technology unit is one we created called 'Mechanimals' which is basically puppet following on from War Horse. The pictures below show most of our class measuring, holding, cutting, sanding and checking their balsa wood pieces. They have designed, and will be making a goose puppet.

Children from 6DY and 6RD took part in our first official tournament at Avonbourne secondary school. The children took part in may races and field events against 3 other schools. They had great fun throughout the afternoon and tried their very best! We were dominating the track events and you can see photos of the variety of events below. The results of our first event will be e-mailed through soon and we will post them below.
GO APE and Moors Valley.
On our final day during SAT's week, the children were fortunate to have a day at Moors Valley country park (as well as having a session on the Go Ape high ropes course). The children deserved this day of relaxing, running around, building and dangling following their efforts during SAT's. A variety of photos are shown below.
During June, all of our year 6 children had the opportunity to take part in a 2 day course (Level 1 and Level 2 Bikeability). They had a fantastic time and we give great thanks to Stephen and Graham (our instructors), Mrs Cousins (for going out every day) and our parents who also tested their skills. Below are photos from the two weeks.
Wednesday 14th June
Today, Adrian, from came to talk to us. We had great fun learning about how the RNLI works.All of us were involved;some of us even got to dress up!
Friday 9th June
As part of Sports Week we went to play crazy golf at Sweet Claw Valley, Iford. It was a brilliant morning.
Wednesday 7th June
We had a fantastic Sports Day. Check out the photos to see the fun we had!
Wednesday 10th May Greek Plays
We shared our Greek Plays with our Prayer Buddies. We were so proud as we had learnt our lines carefully and worked as a team to produce our own fantastic group play. Here are some photos of the event for you to enjoy.
Monday 6th March Surya's Story
As it is Fair Trade fortnight, we looked at information about Fair Trade to help us to understand what it means and how we can help.
We were then fortunate to be able to spend the afternoon with Surya Arts who are a drama company. We watched a play about a little girl named Surya, who lived in India. We heard about how some children need to work to help support their families and why it is important for us to try to support Fair Trade. We took part in different activities - role play, dance and making Fair trade banners. We then shared our work as a year group. Below are some photographs of our afternoon for you to enjoy.
Thank you for your help with the dioramas. The children have now made clay models to bring
the scene from their Fairy Story "alive." Photos will be here soon.
On Monday 16th January we had great fun working together learning to use scales,weighing ingredients, mixing ingredients to make Gingerbread Jacks. We then worked in groups
rolling out the dough, cutting out the shape and finally decorating our own Gingerbread
Jack to take home.
Making the dough.
We have now finished our 1960s topic, ending it with a fantastic 1960s day when we made
newspapers listening to music,continued with our sewing and had a terrific dance extravaganza.
We had a very interesting talk about road safety,when we were
reminded how important it was to wear a helmet when we go out on our bikes no matter where we are or how far we are cycling.
We used eggs...fresh not boiled to show what could happene to our head if we don't wear our helmets.
We all agreed
Year 4 got involved in their TUBUP experience with full flair, rocking out to the whole school in the hall at the end of the day!
Olympic Bronze Medal Winner visit!
We were so lucky to be visited by a real sporting hero, Lucy Shuker. Lucy won a bronze medal at the London Paralympics 2012 as a doubles pair in wheelchair tennis. Lucy signed tennis balls and even played a game in the playground!