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St Walburga's Catholic Primary School


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Faith in Action

'Serving God and One Another' is at the heart of our Mission Statement. We want our children to be supported to become well-rounded, confident, and respectful individuals who are instilled with a sense of social justice who are constantly striving to be the best they can be. Catholic Social Teaching calls us to work for the common good, help build a just society, uphold the dignity of all our brothers and sisters, especially those in the greatest need.. Each year group carries out a Community Action task during the year, and our children also plan and participate in a range of fund-raising activities. 

Our School Council raised funds to buy a new defibrillator after seeing Christian Erikson collapse in the European Championships. They wrote to all our neighbours to tell them about the defibrillator and how it can be accessed

Each week, the Stars of the week put counter on to our CAFOD World Gifts chart. Look what we have bought already this year!

During Lent, each Year group chose a different charity for out Sowing the Seed Challenge. We raised over £4000!

Ryan and 3MB were featured in the Echo for their fantastic fundraising efforts for our Sowing the Seed Challenge.

In October 2020, we all joined in with Wear it Pink Day and raised money for people with cancer.

Our visits to the nursing home were featured in the Portsmouth People
