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St Walburga's Catholic Primary School


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Safeguarding and e-safety

Safeguarding and Child Protection

At St Walburga’s we understand that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. All members of staff receive annual safeguarding training. This covers all areas in the DFE document ‘Keeping children safe in Education’ (September 2024) including the Prevent strategy, FGM and Child Sexual Exploitation.

Mrs Woodward is the Designated Safeguarding Lead,  in her absence Mrs Crutchley, Miss McKinley or Mrs Symes act as the Designated Person. The named governor with responsibility for Safeguarding is Mrs Mary Thomson.

If you have concerns about a child’s safety or wellbeing, please do not hesitate to contact any one at the school.

We work with a number of agencies including Children’s Services, the School Nurse, the Police (particularly the Safer Schools Community Team) and the Local Safeguarding Board, and designated staff attend regular training and receive regular updates.

Training for Pupils:

Through PSHE and RE lessons, and through themed weeks, the children are taught how to keep safe, and what to do if they do not feel safe. Topics covered include Internet safety, school rules, safety outside school and beach/sea safety.

Vetting procedures:

All members of school staff have to have a DBS check (Disclosure and Barring Service) prior to starting work in school.  Regular volunteers must also provide evidence of a DBS check or complete one prior to starting work with children. Parents who help out occasionally on school trips will be asked to sign a disclosure form. We use the CES guidance to vet any visiting speakers for assembly.


Access to the main external doors is via key fob. All fire exits are twist lock or push bar.

Internet Security

We have an Online Safety  policy and an Acceptable use policy  to help children and staff to use the internet safely and responsibly. We support this with regular training sessions and updates for children and parents. The school system is firewall protected so that inappropriate material can not be accessed by pupils or staff.


Useful links: Advice and resources for keeping children safe online - website of the NSPCC - website of the Child Exploitation and online protection service – resources and link to report online abuse Bournemouth and Poole Safeguarding board The Dorset police e-safety website Anti-bullying charity - Practical advice to help safeguard young people from radicalisation - preventing child exploitation - child exploitation help line 


