Class 6DY
Welcome to 6DY!
Welcome to 6DY. Above is a picture of our fantastic class in the first week of Autumn 2018! We are taught by Mr Yarrow and Mr Yarrow gets help from Mr Sparks and Mrs Thorne. Mrs Mason also teaches in our class throughout the week, as well as a Maths group. We have fun but at the same time know that we must work hard all the time to achieve our goals. Enjoy our class page as it will get filled up throughout the year!
HOME LEARNING: Goes out on a Thursday and must be returned by the following Tuesday. You can bring it in earlier if you like but the deadline is Tuesday. Please put your COMPLETED home learning in the correct green boxes in the corridor! They are labelled! Home Learning would usually consist of maths, literacy and spellings. The WEEKLY HOME LEARNING sheet will be stuck in the maths book if you forget what you are supposed to do. There is also a HELPFUL HINTS sheet stuck in the front of the literacy book and this is how we would expect the spellings to be set out.
HOME LEARNING CLUBS: To encourage you to complete your home learning to the best of your ability, we give up our time to put on 3 clubs each week. As soon as you have brought in both your Maths and Literacy home learning books then you can sign up on the windows. The earlier you return your completed books, the more chance that you have of choosing your preferred club. Clubs will vary throughout each term but look out for computing, tiddlywinks, playing cards, subbuteo, crab football, table tennis, art club and more!
HOME READERS: These also go out on a Thursday and are due in by the following Thursday. You need to read a minimum of 30 minutes and get this recorded and signed by an adult each week. We would much prefer SHORTER AND MORE OFTEN (e.g 3 x 10 mins) rather than one longer read. There are loads of useful GPS in the middle of our new home readers this year. Once you have returned your COMPLETED home reader in the correct box, Mr Sparks will sign them off and add a sticker to your 'Game Chart' where you will gain rewards at the end of each half term. The more you read, the more reward you will gain! Children in year 6 are expected to complete the home readers as fully as they can, parents can then just glance over and sign once completed.
This term we have been learning the progression for a forward roll. We even used benches to support our rolling. The photos show how this was done although it seemed scary starting from a position that was off the floor! We also learned shapes and jumps and combined these to form routines.
We had a half-term of coaching from AFC Bournemouth. The children enjoyed learning different skills and incorporating them into match situations. The children each received a certificate after the completion of all the sessions.

In Art we have been looking at the artist Lowry and exploring some of his pieces. We then had a go at the technique of one-point perspective and used a train track as an example. In addition to this, they created a room which looked as though you were standing inside it. The children then moved on to two-point perspective and attempted to draw some buildings in a street. They have produced some excellent artwork this term.
The children have been making pin hole cameras in Science and the photos below show them testing them outside. They used a pringles tube and some tin foil to make the cameras and there was a small hole at the end which they could look through to focus on a specific object.

In Georgraphy, the children have been comparing and contrasting different photos of our school over a certain time period. They have also compared two towns in Europe looking at the features they have. A lesson they particularly enjoyed was when they had to conduct a survey of Malvern Road looking at all the junctions, road signs and safety aspects. They then wrote to the local council indicating the problems that they saw and included diagrams of recommendations.
The children had the opportunity to meet with their reception prayer buddy for the first lesson. They helped them with some some Christmas crafts and then had a chance to spend quality time either reading stories together or playing outside in the role play areas. They all had a great time together.
The children were fortunate enough to take part in some exciting lessons involving colour. It started with a maths lesson linked to ratio and smarties! Then the children learned about chromatography and became scientific investigators finding out who stole Jigsaw Jem. One lesson in art explored the primary, secondary and tertiary colours and gave children knowledge as to how they are formed.
Our outdoor PE lessons are now focusing on tag rugby and skills associated with this. The children have been getting used to using the belts and tags and how to tag an opponent to prevent them from travelling further. We have also been thinking about the direction of our passes and have been searching out the spaces. We will develop our knowledge of rules by playing in game situations and building up our defense and attack strategies.

Thank you for visiting 5JR's class page!
We are all very excited about the new school year, especially as we are now almost the oldest in the school!
Please enjoy our class page and we hope that you enjoy looking through our photographs from the many activities that we have already experienced at St Walburga's and what we will experience this year in 5JR with Mr Richardson, Mr Sparks and Mrs Thorne.
Please feel free to come and visit the classroom to see what the 5JR team are getting up to!
During School Sports Week 2018, we not only went to Activate Trampoline Park but also received our first Yoga lesson from our instructor Rebecca. She was great and we got to relax, meditate and learn a variety of yoga poses. It wasn't as easy as it looks... We would like to say a big thank you to Rebecca for coming to teach us as we all had a fantastic time!
Yoga Lesson
On Tuesday 1st May, 5JR visited SafeWise in Bournemouth. SafeWise provides realistic and immersive learning experiences to equip our children with the skills, knowledge and confidence to live active, fulfilling and safer lives in stronger communities. Through practical education in realistic scenarios, they aim to increase the awareness of safety and develop key life skills, encourage visitors to develop personal confidence and to think for themselves, promote teamwork and shared values, and encourage, safer, healthier and more active lifetyles. We had a fantastic day and learnt lots from the brilliant instructors, here are a few photos to show what we got up to!
Greek Myths
On Monday 11th December, 5JR performed their Greek Myths to their parents. The children were randomly split up into three groups at the start of this half-term and have spent every moment since then rehearsing their dramas, making props and painting backdrops. This was certainly the fab finish to our Glorious Greeks topic!
Thank you to all those who came to watch.
Winchester Science Centre
and Planetarium
Today 5JR went to the Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium for an action packed and fun filled day all about 'Earth and Space'. Before we did any of the activities that were planned for us, we were allowed to have a look around the different exhibits that the centre had to offer, these were very hands on (see pictures for evidence!).
Following this, we then went into the planetarium for a presentation and talk about 'Earth and Space'. This was fantastic and the scientist who talked to us was very informative. By the time this had ended we were all very hungry and ready for lunch. After our lunch, we then went into a science laboratory to complete a range of experiments that were linked to space.
The whole of our class would like to thank Mr Watkins for organising such an amazing trip!
Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium
Anti-Bullying Week 2017
Earlier in the week, 5JR wrote their own articles for the school newsletter, offering advice for those affected by bullying. Today they wrote and performed their own slam poetry to the rest of the class. Their poems delivered strong messages from different perspectives and this showed just how creative our class is!
Anti-Bullying Week Slam Poetry- Faith

Anti-Bullying Week Slam Poetry- Ethan

Anti-Bullying Week Slam Poetry- Ciara

Transfer News
5JR have made a last minute signing and we are pleased to introduce her to you. Ciara has joined St Walburga's from Christ The King on a two year contract (until Year 6) and I'm sure everyone will be trying their best to help her settle in here. She has certainly impressed us all with her Roman Numerals knowledge so far and we look forward to working with her as part of the 5JR team.
Ancient Greek Vase Making
In Design Technology, 5JR have been making their own Ancient Greek vases. They began by blowing up a balloon and covering three quarters of it in papier-mache. Once they had applied three layers of this, they popped the balloon and began to paint them. Have a look at how we are getting on so far.
5JR Ancient Greek Vase Making
On Thursday 5th October, 5JR were visited by the AFC Bournemouth Community Sports Trust. David, one of the coaches, came to talk to us about 'Respect' and how we should treat others in the way that we would like to be treated ourselves. We discussed what this might look like on the football pitch, e.g. a handshake after a game, but most importantly we looked at how we can be respectful in our everyday lives. 5JR would like to thank David for a really interesting and fun afternoon.
National Fitness Day
On Wednesday 27th September 5JR were visited by two sports coaches from BH Live. They visited us as part of National Fitness Day and to play a number of exciting sports games with us. We had a great time playing all of the new games we learnt but our favourites were 'Triangle-Tag' and 'Head, Shoulders, Knees and Cones'. Check out the photos below to see for yourself what we got up to!
National Fitness Day
Being Me In My World
5JR's Jigsaw lessons this term are all based upon the theme of 'Being Me In My World' and in our last lesson, we learnt about the rights and responsibilities we have. To celebrate this, we have also been thinking about how we can make our school community a better place. Here are a few of our ideas and we have to see how many of these we can achieve throughout the school year.
5JR's Archive