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St Walburga's Catholic Primary School


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Welcome to 5RH!


We are looking forward to a happy and productive year with your children. You will find below some useful information about our class and our weekly routines.


Class Teachers: Mrs Ruffle (Monday-Wednesday) and Mrs Huntley (Thursday, Friday)

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Perkins


Indoor on Monday

Outdoor on Tuesday.


Please make sure your child comes to school wearing their kit on these days. Earrings need to be removed or taped over before school please.


Home Learning

A paper copy is given out on a Friday in the Home Learning books and is also assigned via Teams. This should be returned by the following Wednesday.

Reading Records are to be completed and signed three times a week and returned on Wednesday. 



There will be a times table test on a Tuesday and a spelling test on a Wednesday.


Many thanks for your support.


The 5RH Team.

Have a look at the attached Curriculum leaflet for the Autumn Term to find out what we will be learning about over the next weeks. If you would like to find out more detail of what the children will be learning, visit the Curriculum page on the website to view the subject Schemes of work. Don't forget to check out the Gallery page to see what St Walburga's children have been getting up to.
